Do communication skills matter?

Given a situation of hiring someone for a technical position, how much importance will you give to his communication skills? Or to put it in another way, even if your job requires majority of your time in developing technical applications, will you give importance to your communications skills, or will you work hard to hone them? According to you, how much important are these skills now a days?

So, did you get an answer? You must be wondering that the answer depends on the situation. If a person is a technical expert and does not require client interaction then he may not require these skills, and on the contrary, if a person interacts with the client frequently then he must hone his communication skills. Well, I have a pure technical job, but still I work constantly to improve my communication skills, and people ask me that why do I give so much importance to these skills?

In my opinion, communication skills play a significant role. I am a part of very big organization, and over here I realized that these skills are pivotal for a bright career. No matter how technical a job is and how less you meet with your clients, you always get to interact with your team, colleagues, peers, manager etc. in the organization. So you do not have to consider the fact of client interaction to hone your communication skills because they will always add value to your professional career.

People say that first impression matters a lot, and when you are going for an interview, your good communication skills will always make things easy, and even though the person is not aware of your technical background, half of the battle is won with the way you speak. This exactly happened with me. When I went for the exam at the examination center, everybody thought that I was the HR person from the company to take the exams and interviews because everybody was impressed by the way I spoke. A very wise main told me once that whenever we look for a candidate for a technical position, we very much look for the communication skills too, as easily he can improve his technical skills by working in the team and by working on big projects, but communication skills are something in which very few people are good at. These skills help in establishing a wonderful impression, and it also helps in networking and building strong professional relationships. The way you speak and present yourself will always let people remember you whenever you meet them next time, which again is the result of making an impression.

But, this does not mean that technical skills are not important. They are very essential for your survival at the job and for the success, but you have to communicate and present them. I have seen some people who are very strong at technical skills, but they are unable to communicate and present them, because of which people do not realize their worth. I have also seen people who are very good at communication skills and not so good on technical aspect, but because of the way they speak, they make an impact. Of course, these people can never be successful in the long run as only communication skills will not take you anywhere, and you have to have technical skills too.

If I have to opine, a person must have both of these skills, but most of the people work only on their technical aspect and not on their communication skills. It is not that difficult to be a technically strong person as you can always study and research to hone these skills; but communication skills on the other hand, are difficult to achieve as you have to practice and really work hard. Based on my experiences, I want to convey this to everyone that you must continuously work to hone your communication skills because they can drastically change your career.

This is one of the major lessons of my life, and I will keep on sharing my experiences for my readers.